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Heise.de: Rotstich durch Fehler in Intels C++-Compiler | heise online

Intels aktueller Compiler erzeugt unter Umständen fehlerhaften Code, der beispielsweise bei Povray zu Falschfarben führt.

Deep Generative Models for Fundamental Physics - Berkeley ...bids.berkeley.edu › events › deep-generative-model...

... Vanessa Boehm, Department of Physics, UC Berkeley; Aishik Ghosh, UC Irvine / Physics Division, Berkeley Lab; Yue Shi Lai, Nuclear Science Division, ...

Heavy Ion Physics with ALICE at LBNL

Spencer Klein, Yue Shi Lai, Mateusz Plokson, Jeff Porter. □ PostDocs: Nicole Apadula, Miguel Arratia, Alberto Collu, James. Mulligan. □ Graduate Students: ...

[PDF] Introduction to Machine Learningindico.physics.lbl.gov › event › contributions › attachments

Yue Shi Lai. LBNL NSD. September 13, (Yue Shi Lai). September 13, Page 2. Machine learning: Origin. A. L. Samuel, Some Studies in ...
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