Yujiang Wang Person-Info 

( Ich bin Yujiang Wang)


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Brains lose firmness as they age, researchers say - UPI.com

Brain tissue loses firmness and elasticity as it ages in a similar way skin does, an international research team found in a recent study.

Brain folding 'slackens' with age: study - Daily Times

Dr. Yujiang Wang said that "It has long been known that the size and thickness of the cortex changes with age but the existence of a general ...

Dementia linked to brain wrinkles, breakthrough research revealed |...

BRAINS wrinkle just like skin - offering hope of an earlier diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease when drugs are more likely to work.

'Saggy brains' in older people may be linked to Alzheimer's disease -...

Brains get slacker with age in much the same way as the skin, new research shows.
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