Yuki Akita Person-Info 

( Ich bin Yuki Akita)


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IC14 Vignettes – Yuki Edward Akita (Japan Samurai) - World Footy News

One of these players is Yuki Akita and he took some time to share his Australian Rules football journey with us. “The first time I saw football was ...

IC14 Preview: Japan Samurai bring youth and experience - World Footy...

... 'veterans' are Mitsugu Kazawa, Takashi Kamada, Daichi Tanabe, Kumpei Komura, Hisayoshi Oura and Yuki Akita (3rd IC) who is one of the players currently playing in Australia at Mt. Gambier North, South Australia. Takashi Kamada is also playing in Australia with West Footscray in Melbourne, Victoria.

Japan Samurai International Cup Squad - World Footy News

Other IC veterans include Hisayoshi Oura, Toshiki Matsuhashi (4th IC), Yuosuke Kuno (suiting up for his 5th IC), Yuta Toyshima (played IC14), Jumpei Ito, Yuki Akita and Ryosuke Sato (each 2nd IC). Amongst the IC debutantes there are some more players who can claim international experience, all having ...
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Name "Akita" (85)
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