News Beryl Schäffer

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A right royal pumpkin - ABC Rural - ABC News
Beryl Schaeffer inspects the produce which go to make up the southern district annual exhibit at the Easter show. Michael Cavanagh ...

97th Delegate Show...
THE sun was shining, the crowds rolled in and the exhibits belied the tough season that they had...

Weg mit dem Müll in Bingen
Team Bingen befreit die Stadt von umherliegenden Unrat. Die Reinigungsaktion soll in Corona-Zeiten weitergehen.

On the road to the Sydney Royal - ABC News
The Sydney Royal Easter Show is a living, breathing microcosm of farm life. For the people who bring the tastes, sounds and the smell of the farm to the city,...

From the desk of theBega Valley Shire mayorDavid Hede...
A regular column from Bega Valley Shire mayor David Hede.

Southerner's shine at Royal Easter Show | Goulburn Post | Goulburn,...
A LARGE dose of imagination and the willing hands of many have snared a design award for the...