Daniel Müllensiefen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Daniel Müllensiefen)


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Wer bleibt dran, wer gibt auf?: Musikalität kann man messen - n-tv.de

Üben, üben, nochmals üben: Ein Instrument spielen oder singen zu lernen kann eine äußerst mühsame Sache sein. Es dauert oft viele Jahre, bis man es kann. Doch...

Scientists study 'DNA of perfect pop song' - CNN.com

They are the irritating jingles from car insurance commercials that get lodged in your head when you're trying to concentrate. Or the motivational soundtracks...

Music key to reducing stress and improving productivity, study says ...

The study was carried out by Dr Daniel Müllensiefen, a music psychologist at Goldsmith's, University of London, in collaboration with Sonos.

Let's get it on: why Marvin scores in the bedroom | The Independent

The soulful pleadings of Marvin Gaye and the gathering crescendo of Ravel's Bolero are the true sounds of seduction, a new study has confirmed. But there is no...
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