News Ellen Föll

(1 - 5 von 6

Cousin Wants Life-Support Restored to Brain-Damaged Teen | AP News
Her motion was filed by Cleveland lawyer Ellen Foell, who also has appealed Spicer's original order. Foell belongs to a church led by the Rev.

Danielle White Announced as Legal Counsel for Heartbeat International
... been named legal counsel for Heartbeat International. White replaces her predecessor, Ellen Foell, who served in the capacity from

News from the Worldwide Pregnancy Help Movement
Heartbeat International - Holding Each Life Precious

Heartbeat International Announces New Legal Counsel
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASETuesday | August 18, 2015Contact: Jay Hobbs, Director of Communications and MarketingThis email address is being protected f...

Update: For the LOVE of Germany
Did you hear the one about the lawyer who traveled overseas and taught a bunch of U.S. military families how to better serve women facing unexpected p...
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