Elusia Andrus Person-Info 

( Ich bin Elusia Andrus)


Guided tours offer a safe bet | SummitDaily.com

SUMMIT COUNTY - If the prospect of getting swept away or buried in an avalanche bothers you, a guided snowmobile tour may be the ticket.Summit County's local...

Help raise money for breast cancer | SummitDaily.com

Members of the Family & Intercultural Resource Center are teaming up to participate in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Denver on June For 2 days

Spring warmth causes even more danger | SummitDaily.com

Graphic by Elusia Andrus. Brad Sawtell of the Colorado Avalanche Information Center (CAIC) foresees this spring as being especially vicious. As surface snow ...

The election by the numbers | SummitDaily.com

The breakdown of the election includes numbers for how each precinct in Summit County voted. See the graphic to the right and enlarge to get the complete...
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