News Erik Rattat

(1 - 20 von 21
) Deutsche im Südlibanon: Letzter Konvoi aus der Todeszone - DER SPIEGEL

Hunderte Deutsche hat die Botschaft aus dem Süden des Libanon gerettet, teilweise mitten aus der Kampfzone. Die letzten wurden während der israelischen...

A group of 300 Americans and 100 Europeans is believed to be trapped in villages south of Tyre, said Erik Rattat, a German official involved in ...

Israeli Ground Forces Push Deeper Into Lebanon | Fox News
A group of 300 Americans and 100 other Europeans were believed trapped in villages south of Tyre, said Erik Rattat, a German official involved ...

Afghanistan - Der erbitterte Kampf um Kundus (Archiv) -...
· Wenn Oberstleutnant Erik Rattat seine afghanischen Kollegen in ihrer Kommandozentrale besucht, wird er auf Schritt und Tritt von zwei anderen NATO-Soldaten bewacht - für den Fall, dass es einen ...

KONGO: Deutscher Spähtrupp erkundet Herz Afrikas
KINSHASA - Die Augen der Kinder schauen erwartungsvoll nach oben. Die Hände sind bittend nach vorne gestreckt. „L'argent“ –

Hundreds of Americans, Russians Stranded in Lebanon | Fox News
Hundreds were left in the middle of Lebanon's war zone on Tuesday after a ship evacuating foreigners had to leave the port without them.

Afghanistan - Die Bundeswehr und der Kampf um Kundus
· Oberstleutnant Erik Rattat und seine Leute sind vor Ort, um die afghanische Armeeführung in ihrer Schaltzentrale zu beraten. Die kleine Beratergruppe wird in regelmäßigen Abständen zurück ins ...

Afghanistan - Der erbitterte Kampf um Kundus |
Genau ein Jahr, nachdem die Provinzhauptstadt Kundus im Norden Afghanistans in die Hände der Taliban fiel, wiederholt sich der Kampf um die Macht. Die...

Afghanistan - Die Bundeswehr und der Kampf um …
Das verbietet das Mandat. Oberstleutnant Erik Rattat und seine Leute sind vor Ort, um die afghanische Armeeführung in ihrer Schaltzentrale zu beraten. Die kleine Beratergruppe wird in ...

Americans May Still Be Stranded in Lebanon | AP News
But a German official involved in the evacuation effort, Erik Rattat, had said 300 Americans were trapped southeast of the city of Tyre.

"This morning the dogs were eating the neighbors" - Page 2
... port city of Tyre - a joint effort by the U.S., Switzerland, Norway and others, said Erik Rattat, a German official involved in the evacuation.

Amid Diplomacy, Israel Deepens Attack - CBS News
Israeli Forces Push Deeper Into Lebanon As Rice Visits Beirut

Rage, Rockets & Rhetoric - CBS News
Israel Vows To Keep Fighting; Hezbollah Blasts Rice, Promises 'New' Mideast

Israel tightens grip on Hezbollah stronghold as airstrike kills...
... up about 300 foreigners stuck there -- a joint effort by the U.S., Switzerland, Norway and others, said Erik Rattat, a German official involved in the evacuation.

U.S. Humanitarian Aid For Lebanon - CBS News
White House Says Supplies Will Arrive In Lebanon By Helicopter And Ship

11,700 Americans evacuated from Lebanon
U.S. officials said evacuations were wrapping up in Lebanon as nearly 11,700 citizens have been brought to safety through air and sea operations. There were...

Israel Tightens Grip On Hezbollah Stronghold As Separate Airstrike...
... up about 300 foreigners stuck there -- a joint effort by the U.S., Switzerland, Norway and others, said Erik Rattat, a German official involved in the evacuation.

Israel tightens grip on Hezbollah stronghold as separate airstrike...
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Israeli troops surrounded and sealed off a southern Lebanese town on Tuesday, encountering fierce resistance from Hezbollah fighters two...

Many Americans may still be in south Lebanon
The United States expressed concern Tuesday about Americans, possibly hundreds of them, stranded in south Lebanon.