News Eszter Lázár

(1 - 6 von 7
) / event / curators-talk-le
Eszter Lázár studied art history and cultural anthropology at ELTE (Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest) and has been working as a curator at ...

Deutschland: GAW-Stipendiaten in Leipzig angekommen -...
... István Tordai und Emöke Veress (Rumänien), Eszter Lázár und Lajos Szász (Ungarn). Adi Martínez aus Kolumbien, die schon eine GAW-Stipendiatin ...

Eva Duda Dance Company In Budapest Celebrates It’s 5th Anniversary -...
Watch the past five years’ five best performances on five nights. To celebrate its jubilee, the Eva Duda Dance Company opens this year’s season with a five-day-

Zoltán Kékesi - events
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in two Projects by Róza El-Hassan and László Gergely, together with Eszter Lázár, lecture on the conference Middle East Europe ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Eszter Lázár
Andreas Fogarasi
Vorname "Eszter" (814)
Name "Lázár" (46)