News Frank Vogl

(1 - 30 von 45
) Griechenland: Großbanken machen bei Schuldenschnitt mit

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Wirtschaft] - Die Deutsche Bank und die Commerzbank beteiligen sich am Schuldenschnitt für Griechenland. Laut Bankenverband sind weitere zehn Institute und Versicherungen bereit, ihre Anleihen umzutauschen. Der griechische Finanzminister droht, die Gläubiger notfalls zur Teilnahme zu zwingen. Korruptions-Rangliste: Deutschland schneidet schlecht ab

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Politik] - Die unabhängige Organisation Transparency International hat ihren Korruptionsindex für das Jahr veröffentlicht. Demnach nehmen Bestechlichkeit und Schiebung bei öffentlichen Aufträgen von Jahr zu Jahr zu. 

Brasilien: Die stille, mächtige Revolution - manager magazin
Frank Vogl ist Mitgründer von Transparency International. Sein Kommentar erschien zuerst auf "The Globalist". Zur Startseite. Verwandte Artikel. Rücktritt von Präsident Temer gefordert: ...

Una veintena de bancos se reúnen en París para abordar la crisis › economia › noticias › Una-v...
Fuentes financieras han reconocido que la reunión tendrá lugar en las oficinas de BNP Paribas situadas en París. Por el acuerdo voluntario. Frank Vogl, portavoz ...

Mundo: Los 3D, ejemplos de lo que es la corrupción y como enfrentarla...
Frank Vogl expondrá sobre 3 personajes símbolo de la corrupción y que son fuente de inestabilidad mundial. Será en Felaban

Credores privados acreditam em acordo sobre dívida grega - › mundo › ›
· ... afirmou nesta quarta-feira à noite um porta-voz em Atenas, Frank Vogl. "Seguem as discussões construtivas sobre a anulação voluntária da ...

Grèce : l'accord avec les créanciers serait conclu cette semaine |...
Les - Retrouvez toute l'actualité économique et financière à la Une, l'information politique et international.

Bribery And Arms Deal In The Middle East - capital Newspaper
Frank Vogl stated that in May 2019, President Donald Trump sidestepped Congressional restrictions on some arms sales. He did so by declaring a national emergency regarding Iran as the means for approving 8 billion dollar in sales of United States precision-guided munitions and other weapons.

Cleaning dirty money - How the West enables the Kleptocrats - › latenightlive › enablers_-frank-vogl
· ... lawyers, accountants and real estate agents. Frank Vogl explains how the 'rotten system' works and what can be done to curtail it.

UPDATE: Dt Banken beteiligen sich am griechischen Schuldenschnitt
--Institute halten zusammen

Corruption: Why Nigeria's ranking is low – Frank Vogl, TI › corruption-why-nigerias...
· Frank Vogl is the co-founder of two leading international non-governmental organizations that are fighting corruption – Transparency ...

Schuldendesaster: Die Deutschen zahlen für Griechenlands Pleite - WELT
Um Griechenland zu retten, reicht ein Schuldenerlass der Banken nicht aus. Auch die Staaten müssen ihren Teil beitragen – und damit die Steuerzahler.

FOCUS: Banken: Dallara gibt Chefposten bei Bankenverband auf - FOCUS Online

Der internationale Bankenverband IIF geht mit einer neuen Doppelspitze die weitere Bewältigung der Finanzkrise an.

Frank Vogl » Alle Artikel auf Handelsblatt Online lesen
Lesen Sie alle aktuellen Nachrichten, Kommentare, Interviews, Kolumnen und Premium-Inhalte von Frank Vogl auf Handelsblatt Online.

Santander's Ana Botín, anti-corruption veteran Frank Vogl, RAN on › sustainable-views-santanders-ana-botin-anti-corrupti...
Oct 28, · Veteran anti-corruption campaigner Frank Vogl writes that since the Great ... to become president of the World Bank because of an intense ...

Beirut explosion bares pitfalls of sending aid to Lebanon | Columbia...
“The public is going to be incredibly distrustful of the way this is done, and I think rightly so,” said Frank Vogl, a co-founder of Transparency ...

Donors pledge nearly $300 million at Lebanon aid conference › nation-world
LinkedIn. 0. BEIRUT — Hospitals and schools, then shattered and bent ... and I think rightly so,” said Frank Vogl, a co-founder of Transparency ...

Merkel, Lagarde to meet as debt pressure rises | Financial Post
The net present value loss faced by participants in a Greek debt swap may “of course” exceed 50%, said Frank Vogl, a spokesman for the ...

Events - Kleptocracy and Money Laundering: A Conversation with...
Attend Kleptocracy and Money Laundering: A Conversation with Kendall Day, on July, at Hudson Institute. A think tank and research center dedicated to...

Waging war on corruption | For Staff | University of › news › article
Waging War on Corruption lecture by Frank Vogl, 20 November Leeds alumnus, journalist and former World Bank chief spokesman, Frank Vogl, will be speaking at Leeds on Email Tweet Like LinkedIn ...

About the Speaker Series - The Mendel › events › speaker-series
William E. Colby, Frank Vogl, William H. Sullivan Earl R. Butz, Walter Fackler, Margaret “Midge” Constanza, Richard D. Morrow, Emmett Dedmon.

Transparency International Belgium
Day 6. The last day's seminar - entitled "Citizen participation and the risks of corruption" - was mainly to give space to two new distinguished TI founders' new books on Corruption. Frank Vogl introduced his, entitled "Waging War of Corruption", where he outlined the evil effects of corruption - mainly to dispel ...

Foreign Policy Association
Event Transcripts and Video. Frank Vogl, co-founder of global anti-corruption organization Transparency International, highlighted the key findings of his new ...

Book Discussion: Waging War on Corruption | Wilson › event › book-discussion-waging-war-corruption
Frank Vogl: former journalist (Reuters & The Times of London); former World Bank chief spokesman and Director of Information & Public Affairs; President of ...

CORRUPTION › news › › bribe1
Jan 20, · Former journalist Frank Vogl - the vice chairman of Transparency ... we think the Fund (IMF) and Bank (World Bank) should be behind them, ...

Combatting Grand Corruption Internationally | Wilson › event › combatting-grand-corruption-internationally
Speakers · Jane Harman · The Honorable Mark L. Wolf · Sarah Chayes · Brackett Denniston · John Engler · Frank Vogl · William E. Pomeranz.

FINANCE: Watchdog Offers Blinkered View of Corruption | Inter Press...
Sep 22, · “We're saddened that there isn't a 'Bribery Propensity Index',” says Frank Vogl the group's vice chairman. Such a measure would answer the ...

Fighting Corruption: Challenges and Opportunities for the › events › fighting-corruption-challenges-and-opportunities-...
May 9, · ... Frank Vogl: Co-founder and Member of the Board of Directors, ... Former Vice President, Africa, World Bank, Georgetown University.

Ghana to host landmark meeting of Commonwealth Africa anti › media › news › ghana-host-landmark-meeting-co...
May 23, · Participants will also hear from speakers including Frank Vogl, co-founder of Transparency International and Professor Kwame Frimpong, ...