News Gunter Dreyer

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BBC News | Sci/Tech | Were Egyptians the first scribes?
New hieroglyphics suggest that Egyptians created the first writing over 5,000 years ago.

Folha de S.Paulo - Egípcios criaram a escrita, diz pesquisa
"Acreditava-se que os sumérios tinham sido anteriores aos egípcios na escrita", afirmou Gunter Dreyer, diretor do Instituto Alemão de Arqueologia do Egito.

GWUP - Die Skeptiker - Pyramidenbau und Pseudoarchäologie
Bautechnik und Pseudoarchäologie - Pyramidenbau und Pseudoarchäologie

Günter Dreyer : Traueranzeige : Elmshorner Nachrichten
Günter Dreyer : Traueranzeige (10 Juli 2015) Gedanken- Augenblicke sie werden uns immer an dich erinnern und uns glücklich und traurig machen und dich nie vergessen ...

Günter Dreyer : Danksagung : Elmshorner Nachrichten
Günter Dreyer : Danksagung (8 August 2015) Für die herzliche Anteilnahme beim Heimgang unseres lieben Entschlafenen sagen wir allen Verwandten, Nachbarn, …

Egypt Tablets May Represent Earliest Writing - Los Angeles Times
Clay tablets uncovered in Egypt from the tomb of a king named Scorpion may represent the earliest known writing by humankind, an archeologist said Tuesday.

Three thousand years of history at Abydos - Heritage - Al-Ahram...
Zahi Hawass writes about the ancient Egyptian site of Abydos and how it became known as the “land of sacred sands”

The Real Scorpion King - Los Angeles Times
Archeological finds may push back the first known use of writing and rewrite the history of Egyptian civilization.