News Helke Hillebrand

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Aktuelles - IWH - Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg -...
Für Rückfragen bezüglich des Bewerbungsprozesses wenden Sie sich bitte an Dr. Helke Hillebrand, Administrative Direktorin der Graduiertenakademie ...

Helke Hillebrand, Dean of Graduate Studies at EMBL | EMBL
“Helke Hillebrand told us all about her PhD path… and it's not what you might expect!” said Richard Badge, Lecturer in Bioinformatics at Leicester University.

EMBL Conference - Lifelong Learning in the Biomedical Sciences -
Dr Helke Hillebrand studied Biology and Chemistry at Ruhr-University in. Bochum, Germany. Following a year at the Institute Pasteur, where she worked on her ...

Degrees of excellence – interview with Helke Hillebrand as she leaves...
We catch up with Helke Hillebrand on leaving EMBL after 9 years as Academic Coordinator and Dean of Graduate Studies

Conference Calender
ISCB - International Society for Com…tional Biology

EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute Open Day
10: :10: Opportunities across EMBL: PhDs, Postdoctoral Fellowships and Careers (Helke Hillebrand) 11: :40: Training opportunities at EMBL-EBI ...

Den richtigen Weg einschlagen | MDC Berlin
Was kommt nach dem PhD? Um diese Frage drehte sich alles am vergangenen Donnerstag auf dem CareerDay 2016, den das MDC gemeinsam mit EMBL Alumni, dem...

Nachhaltigkeit darf nicht durch die Lappen gehen -...
Kaum ein Begriff wird so häufig gebraucht, so wenig verstanden und so oft …t wie die Nachhaltigkeit .

Loop | EMBL-EBI Open Day
... Postdoctoral Fellowships and Careers (Helke Hillebrand) 11: :40: Training opportunities at EMBL-EBI (Sarah Morgan) 11: :00: ...

Finding the right path | MDC › news › news › finding-right-p...
· And Helke Hillebrand, who greets the auditorium on behalf of co-organizer EMBL , emphasizes the fact that “sometimes the most difficult thing is ...