News Ibrahim Rahimi

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Wo bin ich daheim? • NEWS.AT
Poesie auf der Flucht: das preisgekrönte Gedicht eines 21 Jahre alten Asylwerbers aus Afghanistan

Afghanischer Flüchtling gewinnt Kunstwettbewerb | Verein Wirtschaft...
Wirtschaft für Integration: Talente und Fähigkeiten frühzeitig erkennen und fördern

ISI Conspired to Sabotage Kabul-Taliban Peace Talks: Media Report |...
The Afghan government and the Taliban were willing to conduct purposeful peace negotiation talks in Pakistan in and again in 2009, but the Pakistani...

TAWDE KHABARE: Mahaz-e-Milli Party Gathering For Peace | TOLOnews
In this episode of Tawde Khabare host, Zabi Sadat discusses the topic with the following guests: Mohammad Ibrahim Rahimi, the head of civil society and political party unity commission. Qazi Hasan Haqyar, a member of Mahaz-e-Milli Party. Ahmad Farzan, a member of the Afghanistan Peace Secretariat.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Ibrahim Rahimi
Person "Rahimi" (3)
Vorname "Ibrahim" (6233)
Name "Rahimi" (576)