Netzwerk-Profile Janet King

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The Mystery, Crime, and Thriller Group - Television/Movie Mysteries:...
It stars Marta Dusseldorp, as Crown Attorney, Janet King, who has ... We really enjoyed Silk, so if Janet King ever makes it to American tv, I'll try ...

Janet King 2017, ABC: Marta Dusseldorp on Zoe Terakes
IN her first professional acting role, Janet King debutante Zoe Terakes all but steals the show from her more acclaimed co-stars.

Marta Dusseldorp on playing Janet King in the new ABC1 drama
IT may be a spin-off (from Crownies) which has my character (Senior Crown Prosecutor Janet King) in the title role, but I'm no one-man band, ...

TV PICKS: The Block, Janet King and Styled to Rock | —...
THE Block contestants don’t need any editing to make themselves look stupid: an $8000 bath? Marta Dusseldorp is back as Janet King, and Kylie is being Styled...