Jeanette Gill Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jeanette Gill)


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South Central Ambulance Service appeal for volunteer community first...
FROM dealing with heart attacks and strokes to breathing difficulties and chest pains, community first responders are saving lives across the county.

Sześciogodzinny dzień pracy w Wielkiej Brytanii?
Szwedzi eksperymentują z krótszym dniem pracy od wielu lat i są zadowoleni z efektów. Część firm w Wielkiej Brytanii idzie w ich ślady - informuje

Six-hour working day could soon be coming to the UK to boost...
Companies across Sweden have already adopted the shorter working day and found it improves staff productivity and happiness

Sweden's six-hour work day comes to the UK at Agent Marketing in...
Employees start at 9am and finish at 4pm, and must take a mandatory hour-long lunch break in the day
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Person "Gill" (9)
Vorname "Jeanette" (6943)
Name "Gill" (2201)
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