News Jeanette Gill

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Sześciogodzinny dzień pracy w Wielkiej Brytanii?
Szwedzi eksperymentują z krótszym dniem pracy od wielu lat i są zadowoleni z efektów. Część firm w Wielkiej Brytanii idzie w ich ślady - informuje

Six-hour working day could soon be coming to the UK to boost...
Companies across Sweden have already adopted the shorter working day and found it improves staff productivity and happiness

Sweden's six-hour work day comes to the UK at Agent Marketing in...
Employees start at 9am and finish at 4pm, and must take a mandatory hour-long lunch break in the day

50 years of METCO honored in Arlington
The 28th annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Observance held Jan. 18 at Town Hall had stirring words for luminaries -- old and young -- who show the...

Indian restaurant The Snooty Mehmaan near Faringdon raises cash for...
A CURRY house helped to raise hundreds of pounds for a school in an earthquake-hit country.

Family fury after Welwyn Garden City man “sent home unable to...
A woman has accused hospital staff of sending her 83-year-old Welwyn Garden City grandfather home unable to eat or drink thanks to his badly injured face.

Gill joins Groundwork | North West Business News | Insider Media
Jeanette Gill, formerly conference and event sales manager at Liverpool's Hilton hotel, has joined Groundwork Merseyside as its membership manager.
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