News Jeff Krosnoff

(1 - 19 von 26
) US Cart-Serie: Nickfeld-Rivale beim Training tödlich verunglückt

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Sport] - Nick Heidfelds größter Konkurrent in der diesjährigen Formel EM, der 27 Jahre alte Gonzalo Rodriguez (Uruguay), hat den Ausflug in die US-Cart-Serie mit dem Leben bezahlt. US-Cart-Serie: Todesfall beim US-Cart

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Sport] - Die US-Cart-Serie macht weiter negative Schlagzeilen: Gonzalo Rodriguez aus Uruguay musste einen Trainingsunfall mit dem Leben bezahlen. 

Ratzenbergers: "Roland wird immer mit uns leben" |
Vor 20 Jahren verunglückten Roland Ratzenberger und Ayrton Senna in Imola

Jeff Krosnoff: Latest News, Videos and Photos of Jeff Krosnoff |...
Jeff Krosnoff News: Latest and Breaking News on Jeff Krosnoff. Explore Jeff Krosnoff profile at Times of India for photos, videos and latest news of Jeff...

Auto racing wouldn’t be possible without these ‘unsung heroes’ - The...
The death of a track worker at the Montreal Grand Prix made headlines around the world, but volunteers aren’t usually noticed at all

Deux morts à Toronto – Libération
IndyCar. Le pilote américain Jeff Krosnoff et un commissaire de course sont morts dimanche lors d'un accident survenu au GP de Toronto d'IndyCar. A deux...

Terrible accident en championnat IndyCar. Drame à Toronto : Krosnoff est mort. La onzième des seize manches du championnat IndyCar disputée hier à Toronto (Canada) s'est terminée par un drame : la mort d'un des pilotes, l'Américain Jeff Krosnoff, et d'un commissaire de course, lors d'un accident ...

Factbox: Recent deaths at North American open wheel races | Reuters
Factbox on driver fatalities in open wheel races on North American circuits since after Briton Justin Wilson died on Monday after being hit by debris from...

Jeff Krosnoff and Gary Arvin Die in Car Wreck at Molson Indy Toronto
Jeff Krosnoff and Gary Arvin Die in Car Wreck at Molson Indy Toronto

In Memoriam: Jeff Krosnoff
20 Jahre ist es her, dass Jeff Krosnoff beim IndyCar-Rennen in Toronto sein Leben ließ - Weggefährten erinnern sich an ein Talent, das nie im...

IndyCar - Dan Wheldon victim of unpredictable conditions
Dan Wheldon's death was the result of an unpredictable racing accident with fatal consequences. Sadly, INDYCAR enters an uncertain future without one of its...

Krosnoff memorial to be unveiled. | IndyCar | News | Crash
A plaque in memory of CART FedEx Championship driver Jeff Krosnoff and track worker Gary Avrin is to be unveiled on Wednesday, July 3rd at Exhibition

Most horrific Crash i have Ever Seen - Kroznov - Racing Comments...
Most horrific Crash i have Ever Seen - Kroznov - posted in Racing Comments Archive: I found this mpeg the other. And I have to say that I was pritty horrified...

Remembering a lost American talent 20 years on - IndyCar - Autosport...
It's two decades since the hard-working Jeff Krosnoff died in a Toronto Indycar crash, just as it looked as though his long journey was finally about to bring...

The deadly realities of racecar driving - CBS News
10 years after Dale Earnhardt Sr. died at Daytona, the car racing world is shaken again to its core with an on-track death

the Jeff Krosnof and other race drivers show – Loveline Tapes
Hello all,. On the show, Adam mentions that Jeff Krosnoff and other racing drivers were on the show about a week before this date.

Alessandro Zanardi - Motorsport Forum -
HI habe eben gesehn das Zanardi wieder Rennen fährt!Hut ab. Nach so einem schweren Unfall wo man beide Beine verliert sich wieder in einen Rennwagen zu...

Winner Selected for Second Annual Jeff Krosnoff Scholarship
LA CAADA, Calif.,- It was announced today that Temecula Valley High School senior Kristen Von Minden, of Temecula, Calif., is the recipient of the second annual Jeff

Jeff Krosnoff's Last Ride, 10 Years Later | SportsFilter
The Toronto Star looks back at the death of the rookie CART driver during the city's Grand Prix. Krosnoff, remembered today with a Scholarship Fund and golf...
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Name "Krosnoff" (2)