News Kristina Allers

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Researchers report possible HIV infection cure; others cite dangers -...
Researchers in Germany are reporting that they may have cured a man of HIV infection. If true, that would represent a scientific advance, but not necessarily a...

AIDS cure? Cancer treatment works miracle - Times of India
Science News: German researchers are reporting that they may have cured a man of HIV infection, using a mix of high-dose chemotherapy, radiation and stem-cell...

Sida : la troublante piste de la greffe de moelle osseuse – Libération
Des chercheurs berlinois annoncent la rémission d’un patient, atteint du VIH et d’une leucémie.

US man is HIV-free after stem cell transplant - Yahoo News Singapore
Lead study author Kristina Allers acknowledged that the process would not work for most people. "Nevertheless, as the study tells us that (an) HIV cure is in principle possible, it gives new hope for scientists in HIV cure research," Allers said. "So the next challenge is to translate our findings into a strategy ... AIDS fyller 30

Elva år senare, när han dessutom drabbats av leukemi, föreslog hans två läkare Kristina Allers och Gero Hütter en minst sagt spektakulär behandling. De föreslog att man skulle byta ut all benmärg i Browns kropp, och ersätta den med benmärg från en donator som tillhörde den procent i världen som är ...

globo: G1 - Transplante de células-tronco pode ter curado paciente com HIV,...

Além disso, a cientista chefe do estudo, Kristina Allers, reconheceu que o procedimento poderia não funcionar para a maioria das pessoas.

Stem-cell transplant rids man of HIV - ABC News (Australian ...
Lead study author Kristina Allers acknowledged the process will not work for most people but says it is still significant. "As the study tells us that ...

Man cured of HIV by marrow transplant - Yorkshire Post
A leukaemia patient has been cured of the HIV Aids virus with a bone marrow transplant, according to scientists.

Nach Transplantation HIV nicht mehr nachweisbar
Wie Wissenschaftler um Dr. Kristina Allers von der Charité in Berlin berichten, ist weiterhin genetisches Material von HIV weder im Plasma noch in Blutmonozyten nachweisbar, auch nicht in der ...

Here is the first man to be cured of HIV- AIDS - Yahoo! News India
The researchers led by Kristina Allers and Gero Hutter at Charite University Medicine Berlin documented what can be dubbed as a miracle. The successful reconstitution of a

Stem cell transplant 'cures' HIV | News24
A US cancer patient who received a stem cell transplant has been cured of HIV.

Umbilical Cord Blood | Parents's Guide to Cord Blood
Kristina Allers, Gero Hütter, Jörg Hofmann, Christoph Loddenkemper, Kathrin Rieger, Eckhard Thiel, and Thomas Schneider. Evidence for the cure of HIV ...

US man is HIV-free after stem cell transplant
Lead study author Kristina Allers acknowledged that the process would not work for most people. "Nevertheless, as the study tells us that (an) ...

Acute myeloid leukaemia patient 'cured' of HIV by stem cell...
In February Kristina Allers and colleagues, from the Charité-University Medicine (Berlin, Germany) undertook a stem cell transplant of a male patient who had been