Karin Loft-Pedersen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Karin Loft-Pedersen)


Aarhus Motion - Løb og mountainbike events i Aarhus. Børneløb,...

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Fish Skin Could Be the New Trendy and Healthy Snack

Fish skin has up until now been a by-product of the fish industry. A partnership is developing a new and savory use of fish skin.

Workshop "North Atlantic sea cucumber value chains: current status...

Charlotte Jacobsen, DTU Food and Dr. Karin Loft Eybye, DTI. presentation by Dr. M. Atanassova, Møreforsking AS, Norway. Last news.

Denmark: Shrimp bites—from shrimp shells to pet food - Eurofish...

Three Danish companies Launis, Nordic Seaweed Feed and Mosegaarden have worked closely with the Danish Technological Institute and Aarhus University S...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Karin Loft-Pedersen
Karin Pedersen
Vorname "Karin" (50302)
Name "Loft-Pedersen" (1)
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