Yasni Exposé von Marc Wittmann




Marc Wittmann, 57, Freiburg, Germany

Land: Deutschland, Sprache: Englisch
Marc Wittmann @ Freiburg, Germany

5 Bilder von Marc

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1 - 5 von 5
Marc Wittmann - Marc Wittmann
Apr 09  +
Marc Wittmann - Marc Wittmann, Ph.D.
Dez 08  +
Marc Wittmann @ Freiburg, Germany
Dez 08  +
Marc Wittmann - Marc Wittmann, Ph.D. is a
Juni 08  +
Marc Wittmann - Dr. Marc Wittmann, Dipl.
Okt 08  +

215 Informationen zu Marc Wittmann

Plaxo Directory > Wille, S - Willegal, D

VP Regional Contracts, Assurant Health. Scott WIlle ... Björn Willecke. Capt. Donald K Willecke. President, Western Great Lakes Pilots. Claudia Willecke ...
plaxo.com 22.04.09  +  

Marc Wittmann

Greater San Diego Area
linkedin.com 06.04.09  +  

Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics - The premier ...

Please note the Special Issue Call for Papers of Marc Wittmann and Martin Paulus (University of California San Diego) seeking manuscripts on Inter-temporal Choice.
jnpe.org 17.02.09  +  

Association for NeuroPsychoEconomics gGmbH - Zeitschriften und ...

Beachten Sie den Special Issue Call for Papers von Marc Wittmann und Martin Paulus (University of California San Diego) zu Inter-temporal Choice.

KUNSTFORUM international - Autorenlexikon

Seit 1973 erscheint Kunstforum international, mit durchschnittlich 450 Seiten die umfangreichste ... ein Testpaket bestellen. Autorenlexikon. Marc Wittmann ...
artcontent.de 17.02.09  +  


Suchen kaufen ... Der GeWinner-Weg zur Traumfigur. von: Michael Gerner, Marc Wittmann, ... von: Marc Wittmann, Andreas Eisenkolb, Christoph Perleth. 1999-06. 6. ...
tinko.de 17.02.09  +  

Schriftsprache und gesprochene Sprache: Grundlegende Erkenntnisse der ...

Schriftsprache und gesprochene Sprache: Grundlegende Erkenntnisse der Hirnforschung und technologische Anwendungen Marc Wittmann In vier Texten zum Stand des Wissens in der ...
mlarchiv.mediendaten.de 17.02.09  +  

The experience of time

2009-07-21 by mind123  By Marc Wittmann and Virginie van Wassenhove (The Royal Society). Read More Here. add to del.icio.us Digg it Stumble It! Add to Blinkslist add to furl add to ma.gnolia add to simpy seed the vine TailRank ...
themindperspective.wordpress.com 11.10.09  +  

Chem Lab: Shrooms Make Time Feel Slower | Wired Science from Wired.com

2008-02-24 by Aaron Rowe  Reference: Jiri Wackermann, Marc Wittmann, Felix Hasler, Franz X. Vollenweider, Effects of varied doses of psilocybin on time interval reproduction in human subjects, Neuroscience Letters, Preprint. add to StumbleUpon. Stumble ...
blog.wired.com 03.12.08  +  

effects of psilocybin on time perception and temporal control of ...

2007-01-19 marc wittmann, et al. - results indicate that the serotonin system is selectively involved in duration processing of intervals longer than 2 to 3 seconds and in the voluntary control of the speed of movement. ...
mdlinx.com 03.12.08  +  

Ungültige URL: healthy, wealthy, and dead?: 5 reasons why getting up early might ...

2008-02-16 by Clay Collins  marc wittmann, a psychiatrist at the university of california, showed that late chronotypes built up sleep debts during work days. for study participants, being forced to get up early did not equal going to bed late. ...
thegrowinglife.com 03.12.08  +  

more great dance

2008-04-21 by Laurie  the other choreographers whose works are part of the california touring project are liam clancy and the hybrid authorship project (joe alter, eric geiger, marc wittmann, craig wolf and dj hopkins) of san diego, and casebolt and smith of ...
laurietobyedison.com 03.12.08  +  

Ungültige URL: sciencedirect alert: trends in cognitive sciences, vol. 12, iss. 1 ...

2008-01-03 by Doug Holton  kristin andrews http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=gate wayurl&_method=citationsearch&_urlversion=4&_ origin=sdvialertascii&_version=1&_uoikey=b6vh 9-4r8m0rd-3&md5=4276891c63be6bc3b39a40ed0bd07 1fa ...
edresearchjournals.blogspot.com 03.12.08  +  

dissertation themes

2008-12-15 by Ana Maria Soares  marc wittmann (university of california san diego), martin paulus (university of california san diego) inter-temporal choices involve a tradeoff between costs and benefits that occur over time. that is, decisions on options often ...
go-global-marketing.blogspot.com 31.12.08  +  

Musicality: Communicating the vitality and interests of life

Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and cannot remain ... Also represented were Marc Wittmann and Ernst Pöppel who reported their work on ...
fds.oup.com 17.02.09  +  

UnderCurve.com - Blog about the Axis Syllabus Universal Motor ...

Choreographers Cid Pearlman of Santa Cruz, Liam Clancy and the Hybrid Authorship Project (Joe Alter, Eric Geiger, Marc Wittmann, Craig Wolf and D.J. ...
undercurve.com 24.01.09  +  

Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition

New Issue Alert - New issues of Aging, Neuropsychology, ... Authors: Pamela Ulbrich; Jan Churan; Martina Fink; Marc Wittmann. DOI: 10.1080/13825580802411758 ...
informaworld.com 24.01.09  +  

Accumulation of Neural Activity in the Posterior Insula Encodes the ...

Accumulation of Neural Activity in the Posterior Insula Encodes the Passage of Time ... Wittmann, Marc, Simmons, Alan, Aron, Jennifer, and Paulus, Martin. ...
precedings.nature.com 03.12.08  +  

user profile - 2collab

Marc Wittmann. affiliation. University of California San Diego. job title ... 35 publications authored by Marc Wittmann. bookmarks. 35 bookmarks in 2collab. used tags ...
2collab.com 31.12.08  +  

How impulsiveness, trait anger, and extracurricular activities ...

Marc Wittmanna, Corresponding Author Contact Information , E-mail The Corresponding Author , Estibaliz Arcea and Carmen Santistebanb ...
science-direct.com 18.12.08  +  

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Marc Wittmann @ Freiburg, Germany

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