News Marko Janhunen

(1 - 30 von 48

NZZ: Finnlands Forstindustrie erfindet sich neu | NZZ

«Jeder Karton mit Waren für den Online-Versandhandel», sagt Marko Janhunen, «ist mit durchschnittlich sechs Etiketten beklebt.» Das freut ...

Uruguay paper mill to benefit environment -company - Reuters
But Marko Janhunen, spokesman for Finland's Metsa-Botnia's Uruguay project, said the plant will bring environmental as well as economic ...

Nationen – distriktenes næringsavis
Nationen er distriktenes næringsavis, og avisens prioriterte stoffområder er næringsliv, landbruk, politikk, samferdsel og EU.

Marko janhunen | Talouselämä
Suuromistaja”Rovio on käsittämätön tapaus, maallikosta se vaikuttaa melkoiselta vedätykseltä" – Katso, mihin Kyösti Kakkonen on sijoittanut.

Manager, Stakeholder Relations - UPM - - Vasabladet
For further information, please contact Marko Janhunen, Vice President, ... Relations, UPM Biorefiningtel.

Guardian: Biofuel from trash could create green jobs bonanza, says report › environment › feb › biofue...

· Marko Janhunen, the vice-president of UPM Biorefining in Finland, said that parliamentary manoeuvring could risk the advanced sector's ...

UPM-Kymmene Corporation: UPM and WWF Finland co-operate to promote...
Marko Janhunen, Vice President, Stakeholder Relations, UPM Biorefining, tel. + Sari Mannonen, Director, Sales and ...

Marko Janhunen, UPM: "Beyond fossils – Exploring the limitless › press › nyheter › marko-janhunen-...
· Join us at the Advanced Biofuels Conference, September in Gothenburg, and listen to Marko Janhunen, Director Public Affairs, UPM, ...

RPT-EU policy gap choking off next generation green fuel-industry |...
* New research underlines benefits of new generation biofuel

Vasta kokemus opettaa | Talouselämä
Marko Janhunen, 34, on ottanut mahdottoman tehtävän: Metsä-Botnia on palkannut hänet Uruguayn sellutehdasprojektin viestintäjohtajaksi.

Marko Janhunen appointed vice president, communications and public...
Mr. Marko Janhunen (M.Pol.Sc, EMBA) has been appointed vice president, communications and public relations, Uruguay project from

Marko Janhunen | › news-and-stories › contacts › markojanhunen
We use cookies on this website to ensure the best user experience and to target personalised content and relevant advertising. You can approve cookies by ...Missing: SKF INDUSTRIE SPA" We use cookies on this website to ensure the best user experience and to target personalised content and relevant advertising. You can approve cookies by ... Missing: SKF INDUSTRIE SPA"

Fortschrittliche Biokraftstoffe brauchen günstige...
Marko Janhunen, Director Public Affairs beim Unternehmen UPM, sieht dies als einen Schritt in die richtige Richtung: “Für die Industrie ist es von besonderer Bedeutung, dass REDII zügig und mit dem nötigen Ehrgeiz umgesetzt wird. UPM begrüßt es, dass viele Mitgliedstaaten beginnen, sich ernsthaft mit Klimaschutz auseinanderzusetzen, und Maßnahmen ergreifen, um CO2-Emmissionen im ...

Alternative Biokraftstoffe - News-Blast
Marko Janhunen (UPM Biofuels) sieht einen dringenden Bedarf zur weiteren Dekarboniesierung des Verkehrsselktors mit alternativen Biokraftstoffen. Dr. Klaus Lucka (Tec4Fuels GmbH) stellt sich die Frage nach den Auswirkungen von alternativen Kraftstoffen auf entsprechende Anwendungen und sieht in „Fit for Purpose Tests“ eine Möglichkeit hierauf Antworten zu finden. Dr. Armin Günther (Air ...

Fortschrittliche Biokraftstoffe brauchen günstige gesetzliche...
Innovative klimaneutrale Technologien sind marktreif und können erheblich zur Senkung des CO2-Ausstoßes im europäischen Transportsektor...

UPM: Untapped potential for converting wastes
According to Marko Janhunen, Vice President, Stakeholder Relations, UPM Biorefining, UPM will open the world’s first biorefinery producing wood-based renewable diesel at commercial scale this summer, and our annual production will be tons. Such investments make the EU’s bioeconomy real, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and offer jobs and growth. A stable policy framework is ...

Advanced biofuels recognised as a fast-track option for
Marko Janhunen, Director, Public Affairs, UPM Tel. + UPM, Media Relations Mon-Fri

Finnish transportation fuel to be 30% biofuel by › news › finnish-transportati...
· ... are also walking the talk on climate change mitigation in the transport sector," added Marko Janhunen, director of public affairs at UPM.

EUBCE 2019
Marko JANHUNEN, UPM - The Biofore Company, Director Public Affairs, Finland / LSB Leaders of Sustainable Biofuels Chair From Paris to ...

Renew Europe Webinar "Towards a Carbon Neutral Europe… - Renew Europe
EU’s target to reduce its CO 2 emissions by 60 % by represents a great challenge to the EU. Between and 2018, in 28 years, we have managed to…

Biokraftstoff-Initiative wählt neuen Chef - energate messenger+
Marko Janhunen, Vizevorsitzender des finnischen Biotreibstoffherstellers UPM, übernimmt für ein Jahr die Führung. Das entschieden die ...

Communications function in Botnia's Uruguay project reinforced -...
Communications function in Botnia's Uruguay project reinforced - Marko Janhunen appointed Vice

Ecofys study on Crude Tall Oil markets and availability:
We believe there is tremendous innovation potential in advanced biofuels," says Marko Janhunen, Vice President, Stakeholder Relations from ...

LowCVP News - European Parliament confirms law to limit crop-based...
The European Parliament has given its final approval to a law limiting to 7% the use of crop-based biofuel in the transport sector. The European Comm...

FIVE FROM FINLAND: Circular economy solutions
What goes around, comes around and this means big business opportunities in Finland.

Botnia frustra diálogo entre Argentina e Uruguai - Economia - Estadão
O gerente de Relações Públicas de Botnia, Marko Janhunen, descartou a construção de um duto para desviar os efluentes líquidos longe de ...

Jätteestäkö uutta bisnestä? - Sitra
Sitra järjestää elokuun lopussa Raumalla tapahtuman teollisista symbiooseista. Teollisissa

Ecofys study on Crude Tall Oil markets and availability: sufficient...
UPM Biofuels commissioned a study from leading international energy and climate consultancy Ecofys - A Navigant Company, entitled 'Crude tall oil low ILUC risk...

Bioenergy sustainability: A view from Finland towards Nordic › Home › Events
· 10:50, Marko Janhunen | UPM. 11:10, Panel debate moderated by Dr Maria Tunberg on behalf of Nordic Energy Research. 11:50, Closing ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Marko Janhunen
Armin Günther
Vorname "Marko" (9814)
Name "Janhunen" (7)