Martin Bazant Person-Info 

( Ich bin Martin Bazant)


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) Aktuell | Technology Review | Heise Magazine

Ein Prototyp entfernt nach Angaben der Forscher um Martin Bazant bis zu 99,99 Prozent der Salze. Genaue Angaben über die eingesparte Energie machen sie allerdings nicht. Nun wollen sie eine ...

Top Canadian scientist and award-winning student caught in ‘blatant...
In what is being described as a case of

Scientists use shockwaves to take the salt out of water -
Researchers at MIT have developed a new desalination technique using an electric shockwave.

Waterloo prof and student caught up in plagiarism scandal | The Star
“There are a lot of fishy aspects to the whole thing,” Martin Bazant, the lead author of the U.S. paper published in the journal Current Opinion in ...
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