News Martin Bazant

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Ein Prototyp entfernt nach Angaben der Forscher um Martin Bazant bis zu 99,99 Prozent der Salze. Genaue Angaben über die eingesparte Energie machen sie allerdings nicht. Nun wollen sie eine ...

Top Canadian scientist and award-winning student caught in ‘blatant...
In what is being described as a case of

Scientists use shockwaves to take the salt out of water -
Researchers at MIT have developed a new desalination technique using an electric shockwave.

Waterloo prof and student caught up in plagiarism scandal | The Star
“There are a lot of fishy aspects to the whole thing,” Martin Bazant, the lead author of the U.S. paper published in the journal Current Opinion in ...

Coronavirus-News aktuell: Abstandsregel überflüssig? Studie entlarvt...
Seit Monaten wird gepredigt: Tragen Sie eine Maske, halten Sie Abstand! Doch nun zerlegt eine neue Studie ausgerechnet die Corona-Abstandsregel und entlarvt... Ansteckungsrisiko in Räumen: MIT-Forscher bieten Corona-Kalkulator...

· Die MIT-Forscher und Mathematiker Martin Bazant und John Bush gehen davon aus, dass in geschlossenen Räumen der Mindestabstand allein …

Invited Seminar Prof. Martin Bazant (MIT) - LRCS
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Seminar Series - Martin Z. Bazant, Ph.D.
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X-rays uncover a hidden property that leads to failure in a...
Over the past three decades, lithium-ion batteries, rechargeable batteries that move lithium ions back and forth to charge and discharge, have enabled smaller...

Researchers in US develop new desalination method using shockwave
Researchers in US develop new desalination method using ... MIT chemical engineering and mathematics professor Martin Bazant said that even though the new

Neue Studie zeigt: keine Vorteile von sozialer Distanzierung –...
· Die Professoren Martin Bazant und John Bush vom Massachusetts Institute of Technology verwenden mathematische Modelle, um zu zeigen, dass das Risiko, sich mit dem Virus zu infizieren, nicht beeinträchtigt wird, wenn Sie sich im selben Raum von infizierten Personen fernhalten, da sich das Virus über Aerosole in der Luft ausbreitet. Prof. Bazant sagte gegenüber CNBC, dass die 2 Meter-Regel ...

Martin Bazant (MIT)-Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Li-ion Batteries...
ABSTRACT: Li-ion batteries involve electrode materials, such as iron phosphate and graphite, which tend to separate into Li-rich and Li-poor phases upon...

X-rays uncover a hidden property that leads to …
· "Before, it was kind of like a black box," said Martin Bazant, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and another leader of the study. "You could see that the material worked pretty well and certain additives seemed to help, but you couldn't tell exactly where the lithium ions go in every step of the process. You could only try to develop a theory and work backwards from ...

Analysis probes charge transfer in porous battery electrodes for the...
... in the journal Nature Communications by MIT postdoc Peng Bai and professor of chemical engineering and mathematics Martin Bazant.

A Guideline to Control Indoor Airborne Transmission of COVID ...
— Monday Colloquium: Martin Bazant (MIT) "Beyond Six Feet: A Guideline to Control Indoor Airborne Transmission of COVID-19" ... › ...

Welcome to Engineers Australia Portal
Professor of Chemical Engineering Martin Bazant said membranes in traditional desalination systems, such as those that use reverse osmosis ...

Bazant presents new research around indoor disease ...
— Martin Bazant On January 12, the MechSE Department hosted Martin Z. Bazant, the E. G. Roos (1944) Professor of Chemical Engineering and ... › news

Internal probe finds UW prof guilty of plagiarism | CTV News
A University of Waterloo professor has been found guilty of plagiarism.

Multi-university effort to advance materials, define the future of ...
— MIT professor Martin Bazant will use funding from TRI to leverage a nanoscale visualization technique that revealed, for the first time, ... › news ›

New MIT study on risk of being exposed to COVID-19 says 6ft ...
— MIT professor Martin Bazant told CNBC: 'We argue there really isn't much of a benefit to the 6-foot rule, especially when people are wearing ... › news

Professor Creates New Theories to Determine Lifetime of ...
— Other authors on the paper include: Bazant's graduate student Jia-Liang Le, and also Martin Bazant, Zdenek's son, a professor of engineering ... › ...