News Matt Schneider

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Google News: Keith Olbermann Returns To Video Naming Glenn Beck 'Worst Person Of The Day'

[] - by Matt Schneider | 4:29 pm, March 23rd, In his first ever online edition of the “Worst Persons of the Day,” Keith Olbermann returned to a role in front of the camera for his FOK (Friends of Keith) News Channel, and demonstrated that he is clearly

Google News: Glenn Beck: If Drudge's Headlines About Me Were True 'They Should Fire Me, I'm ...

[] - by Matt Schneider | 1:30 pm, March 23rd, Glenn Beck had some fun today on his radio show mocking the headlines he read on the Drudge Report that were about him. The headlines on Drudge's website read “IT'S ON!” and “NYT: GLENN BECK MAY BOLT

Fox News Panel Furious With (President Bush) Law Phasing Out 100w Incandescent ...
[] - by Matt Schneider | 8:01 pm, March 22nd, With the impending phase-out of traditional light bulbs in favor of energy efficient bulbs, Bret Baier asked the Fox News All Star Panel for their thoughts and they were not happy in the least.

Google News: Matthews On Donald Trump's Effect On GOP Primary: 'Is This Going To Be A ...

[] - by Matt Schneider | 6:27 pm, March 23rd, Chris Matthews is not sure what Donald Trump truly believes, but given his repeated references to President Obama's birth certificate and an upcoming speaking engagement in Iowa, Matthews thinks Trump might

Google News: Howard Dean Defends US Mission In Libya: This Time Our Government Isn't Lying ...

[] - by Matt Schneider | 10:26 am, March 23rd, The discussion on Libya certainly makes for some strange bedfellows. On Morning Joe liberal columnist Joe Klein and conservative commentator Pat Buchanan agreed that American military involvement in Libya

Google News: Bill O'Reilly And Code Pink Founder Agree On 'Hypocrisy' Of MSNBC's War Coverage

[] - by Matt Schneider | 8:43 am, March 23rd, Bill O'Reilly and Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin strangely agreed regarding the mainstream liberal reaction to President Obama's efforts in Libya. However, when it came to discussing American

Google News: David Letterman Pitches Katie Couric To Stay On CBS: Anchor Chair Is Not A ...

[] - by Matt Schneider | 9:00 am, March 23rd, While some predict that Katie Couric's career at CBS will not last much longer, others like David Letterman refuse to give up hope. Couric appeared last night with Letterman and confirmed her contract is up

Google News: Jon Stewart: 'One Of The Problems We Are Having With You Mr. President Is A ...

[] - by Matt Schneider | 11:35 pm, March 22nd, Jon Stewart served up a typically entertaining opening segment, but also packed in a somewhat harsh indictment of President Obama's failure to effectively communicate what exactly is the rationale behind

Google News: Bill Maher Compares US Mission In Libya To Gingrich: 'Leave You When You're In ...

[] - by Matt Schneider | 9:19 pm, March 22nd, The usually controversial Bill Maher appeared with Eliot Spitzer tonight and did not disappoint with at least one reference that pushed the envelope. Regarding President Obama's actions in Libya though

Google News: Chris Matthews: Watching Mitt Romney Kiss 'Far Right Butt' Is 'Like Al Gore ...

[] - by Matt Schneider | 6:43 pm, March 22nd, Chris Matthews reacted to criticism from Mitt Romney regarding President Obama's action in Libya. Romney attacked Obama for being “tentative, indecisive, timid and nuanced.” Matthews laughed at the term

Google News: Rush Limbaugh Calls Obama And Male National Security Advisors "Sissies"

[] - by Matt Schneider | 3:01 pm, March 22nd, Rush Limbaugh today read a CNN commentary from David Gergen, who Rush mockingly refers to as David “Rodham” Gergen because of a perceived bias in favor of the Clintons. Gergen was surprised that “the three

Prep track: BD's Schneider third at Nelson-Daniel indoor meet
[Beaver Dam Daily Citizen] - By Citizen Staff | Posted: Sunday, March 20, :45 pm | (0) Comments WHITEWATER – Beaver Dam sophomore Matt Schneider cleared 13 feet in the pole vault at the Nelson-Daniel indoor invitational Saturday to take third place.

Google News: Ralph Nader: Obama 'Should Be Impeached' For 'Committing War Crimes'

[] - by Matt Schneider | 1:32 pm, March 21st, Frequent candidate for President Ralph Nader is back on the scene and proves, at the very least, he is consistent with his viewpoint. Arguing that President George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were war criminals

Google News: Comparing Libya To Iraq, Howard Kurtz Asks 'Where Is The Media Skepticism?'

[] - by Matt Schneider | 8:58 am, March 21st, Howard Kurtz, host of Reliable Sources, questioned whether a no fly zone in Libya is really the best policy and whether it could lead to America being involved in another prolonged war?

Google News: Don Imus To Rep. Weiner: 'Don't Be Mean To Me Like You Are To Megyn Kelly'

[] - Weiner: 'Don't Be Mean To Me Like You Are To Megyn Kelly' by Matt Schneider | 2:48 pm, March 21st, Don Imus noticed that every time Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner appears on Fox News Channel, “he's screaming at some Fox host – that poor

Google News: Chris Matthews Reviews Sarah Palin's 'Not-So Excellent' International Adventure

[] - by Matt Schneider | 6:42 pm, March 21st, After several serious segments analyzing the events in Libya and Japan, Chris Matthews told his viewers it was time for “a little candy” as he analyzed Sarah Palin's “not-so excellent adventure” to India

Google News: U.S. Reporter To Obama In Chile: Do You Have Regrets On Undertaking This ...

[] - by Matt Schneider | 4:29 pm, March 21st, President Obama spoke at a joint press conference earlier today with Chilean President Sebastian Pinera and distinguished the current military campaign in Libya from his previously stated goals for the

Google News: Sarah Palin In Israel: 'Thankful' That The American And Israeli Link Will ...

[] - by Matt Schneider | 10:58 am, March 21st, Sarah Palin traveled to Israel to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today and potentially as a response to many of her critics who claim she lacks experience with international affairs.

Google News: Rep. Barney Frank 'Disappointed' America Is Being 'Pushed Into A Greater Role ...

[] - by Matt Schneider | 9:58 am, March 21st, Democratic Congressman Barney Frank appeared on Morning Joe and agreed with Joe Scarborough's argument that American involvement in multiple foreign countries is unsustainable. Frank went even further

Google News: Mets Owner Swings Back Against Trustee Representing Madoff Victims

[] - by Matt Schneider | 6:20 pm, March 20th, On Friday, Irving Picard, the trustee representing the victims of Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme, claimed in legal papers that New York Mets owners Fred Wilpon and Saul Katz and partners at Sterling Equities

Google News: Rep. Bachmann Admits New Hampshire Mistake But Still Loves The 'Liberty-Loving ...

[] - by Matt Schneider | 2:17 pm, March 20th, Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann appeared on Dana Loesch's conservative radio show and briefly addressed her recent verbal flub of confusing New Hampshire with Massachusetts.

Google News: Adm. Mike Mullen: One Of The Outcomes Of The Operation Could Leave Gaddafi In ...

[] - by Matt Schneider | 3:48 pm, March 20th, Admiral Mike Mullen appeared on several news shows this morning and faced some tough questioning from David Gregory on Meet the Press. Mullen revealed just how narrow the mission is and attempted to justify

Google News: Gaddafi's Son To Christiane Amanpour: America Getting Involved In Libya Is A ...

[] - by Matt Schneider | 12:06 pm, March 20th, With the air attack in Libya underway in order to implement a no fly zone, Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi is not happy and his son Saif spoke to Christiane Amanpour to express the family's frustration.

Google News: Andrew Sullivan: Why Did Anyone Vote For Obama, Libya Is A 'Hillary-McCain ...

[] - by Matt Schneider | 1:28 pm, March 20th, Chris Matthews hosted a discussion on how any action in Libya seems difficult and unpopular for President Obama. Most critical of Obama was commentator Andrew Sullivan who doubted President Obama was the

Google News: Juan Williams Thinks Obama Is 'Dithering' On The Budget, But Good With Japan/Libya

[] - by Matt Schneider | 4:33 pm, March 20th, President Obama is getting criticism from all directions regarding America's response to the Libyan crisis, whether it's because he's too hesitant to lead international efforts in the country or because

Google News: Sen. Lindsey Graham: Obama Acts As If 'Leading The Free World Is An Inconvenience'

[] - by Matt Schneider | 12:40 pm, March 20th, American forces have joined the international community to impose a no fly zone in Libya, but some critics of President Obama are still not satisfied with his performance. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham

Google News: Ed Schultz To Ann Coulter: If O'Reilly Can Lecture You On Science 'You're Off ...

[] - by Matt Schneider | 9:40 am, March 20th, Ann Coulter recently made some headlines telling Bill O'Reilly that despite conventional wisdom, exposure to radiation could actually be good for someone's health. Ed Schultz caught the segment and

Google News: Glenn Beck To Bill O'Reilly On Media's Nuclear Hype: 'I Think It's Wrong'

[] - by Matt Schneider | 11:16 am, March 18th, Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck discussed the lessons that could be learned from the Japanese crisis and both praised the Japanese people for handling their crisis so well and for being so respectful and

Google News: GOP Congressman Forced To Stall For 10 Minutes On House Floor 'This Is ...

[] - by Matt Schneider | 12:39 pm, March 18th, Republican Congressman Dan Burton finished his prepared remarks on the floor of the House of Representatives and was ready to yield to the next speaker, but there was only one problem: Congressman Louie

Google News: Rush Limbaugh: 'I Did Make Fun Of Diane Sawyer But Not The Japanese People'

[] - by Matt Schneider | 4:45 pm, March 17th, Rush Limbaugh responded to criticism that he was insensitive to Japanese victims by clarifying that he actually “bucked the conventional wisdom” by not making fun of the Japanese people and instead only