Yasni Exposé von Maxim Behm


Land: Deutschland, Sprache: Deutsch
Ich biete: I’ve over 16 years of professional IT experience with over 13 years’ SAP experience across different organizations - SAP Consulting, SAP Development at SAP AG, IBM, SAP Practice Unit at Infosys and independent SAP Project Manager and SAP Solution Architect. I‘ve a rich experience in Program & Project Management – from definition of a project and project phases till the project execution, control & governance over the whole project. I contributed to evaluation and approach of strategic goals and design of long-term implementation programs. I also have a rich Pre-Sales experience on defining SAP template strategy, building global templates, its governance through set-up of change management process and multiple sites deployments (rollouts). I managed large-scale SAP consultancy program and projects to scope client needs and existing process issues, provide solutions, and manage the implementation of business systems to deliver client requirements.
Maxim Behm @ Eschborn

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Maxim Behm @ Eschborn
Feb 10  +
Maxim Behm - Maxim Behm
Feb 10  +
Maxim Behm @ Eschborn
Feb 10  +

4 Informationen zu Maxim Behm

Maxim Behm

facebook.com 13.01.10  +  

Maxim Behm

facebook.com 13.01.10  +  

Maxim Behm

Frankfurt Am Main Area, Germany
linkedin.com 13.01.10  +  

Maxim Behm

Project Manager / SAP Lead Consultant / Frankfurt, Germany / SAP Partnerschaft, Project Management, Outsourcing, Offshoring, SAP Business Process Outsourcing, BPO, SAP Projekte, Vollzeit Festeinstellung, SAP Consultant Job, SAP Job, Tätigkeit in der SAP Beratung in Verbindung mit globaler Mobilität, Hochschulabsolventen, Berufseinsteiger, Young Professionals, Permanent job, SAP Beratung Job, Oil&Gas Beratung in Upstream Bereich, Unternehmensberater, Berater, Consultant, Joint Venture Accounting, JVA, Production Sharing Accounting, PSA, Production and Revenue Accounting, PRA, Oil Accounting, Excise Duty, Service Station Retailing, Energie, Energy, Neues Hauptbuch, NewGL, Migration NewGL, IFRS/IAS, OGSD, IS-OIL SAP FI/CO, SAP R/3, IAS/IFRS, US-GAAP, HGB, SAP Best Practices, SAP Best Practices for IAS and IFRS, SAP Outsourcing Projects, Project, SAP Project / Infosys Technologies Limited, SAP Deutschland AG & Co. KG, SAP AG, IBM Deutschland, IBM Deutschland
xing.com 13.01.10  +  

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