News Monica Ali

(1 - 30 von 31
) Schriftstellerin Monica Ali: Beiläufig zerschellen Träume

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Kultur] - Geboren ist sie in Bangladesch, aufgewachsen in Südlondon. Nachdem sie Mutter geworden war, begann die Britin Monica Ali zu schreiben - eigentlich nur für sich selbst. Trotzdem gelang ihr aus dem Stand ein Bestseller. "Brick Lane" erzählt feinfühlig vom Einwandererleben in Londons East End. Heute in den Feuilletons: Bürger wehrt Euch!

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Kultur] - Soll Ver.di ruhig streiken - der Bürgersinn bildet Fahrgemeinschaften, hofft Gustav Seibt in der "SZ". Die "FAZ" bringt eine Sensation: Marcel Reich-Ranicki ist einer Meinung mit Sigrid Löffler. Die "NZZ" macht sich Gedanken über die viel diskutierte Liste der 20 besten "Young British Novelists". Die taz fragt, wie sich afrikanische Künstler mit Aids auseinandersetzen. Heute in den Feuilletons: Die Angst hat 426 Namen

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Kultur] - Die "FAZ" nennt die "vierhundertsechsundzwanzig Namen der Angst". Die "FR" bangt um die "Zukunft des Arbeitens und Konsumierens". Die "taz" nennt zusammen mit "Granta" die besten britischen Nachwuchsautoren. Die "SZ" fragt: Was machen eigentlich die amerikanischen Liberalen? 

'Kitchen' philosopher: Monica Ali
In her latest novel, author Monica Ali thoughtfully examines a chef's identity crisis and how it mirrors dramatic changes in British society and culture.

Monica Ali - news latest, breaking updates and headlines today -...
All the latest breaking news, headlines, analysis and articles on Monica Ali from the Evening Standard

In the Kitchen, by Monica Ali - The Globe and Mail
Monica Ali's rowdy and crowded restaurant novel has its rewards, but there are too many ingredients to make it completely satisfying

Guardian: Monica Ali | The Guardian

Monica Ali is novelist, best known for Brick Lane, which was shortlisted for the Man ... Women's rights: 100 revolutionary years Monica Ali on feminism in the ...

Monica Ali
Sukhdev Sandhu finds nothing cooking in Monica Ali's In the Kitchen

Untold Story, By Monica Ali | The Independent
Say, Diana hadn't really died but had arranged her own exit to go and live in obscurity. What would she have done next? With that conceit, a novelist's kiss,...

Book review: 'Untold Story' by Monica Ali - Los Angeles Times
Book review: 'Untold Story' by Monica Ali

Monica Ali liest aus "Hotel Imperial" - Hamburger Abendblatt
Im Mikrokosmos Küche spielt der neue Roman von Monica Ali, die heute im Rahmen des Harbourfront-Festivals in Hamburg liest.

Monica Ali - Viel Beifall für das neue Wunderkind - WELT
Monica Ali - Viel Beifall für das neue Wunderkind

Sigrid Löfflers "neue Weltliteratur": Das Erbe der einsamen Londoner...
... Gegenwart, indem sie rund fünfzig Migranten und/oder Sprachwechsler von der britischen Bangladescherin Monica Ali bis zum Iraker Najem ...

My London: Monica Ali | London Evening Standard | Evening Standard
The author drinks white negronis at Three Eight Four in Brixton and wants to buy Dr Johnson’s House

Monica Ali tours Portugal -- quickly - The Globe and Mail
The Globe and Mail offers the most authoritative news in Canada, featuring national and international news

Guardian: Monica Ali | Page 3 of 5 | Books | The Guardian

Monica Ali. August Digested read Alentejo Blue by Monica Ali. As Joao ... Monica Ali and Zadie Smith are in the minority, finds survey. "Fear factor" is ...

Untold Story by Monica Ali: review
Philip Womack is ambivalent about Monica Ali's new novel, Untold Story, which envisages an alternate life for Diana, Princess of Wales.

Monica Ali: 'I wear the same smelly pyjamas again and again; it's...
Before I start work on a novel I get to know the characters in my head I live with them for a while, as I did with Nazneen and Chanu in Brick Lane; hearing...

Monica Ali Reads Joshua Ferris | The New Yorker: Fiction | WNYC
Monica Ali reads Joshua Ferris's

Emanzipation vom Schicksal und der uralten Tradition - Hamburger...
Die Welt der Inderin Nazneen im Londoner East End ist eng. Aus eigener Kraft befreit sie sich daraus. Preisgekröntes Debüt von Monica Ali.

Brick Lane - WELT
Ein Roman und seine Folgen: Zu Besuch im Londoner Einwandererviertel, das Monica Alis Buch berühmt gemacht hat

Untold Story, by Monica Ali - The Globe and Mail
Donna Bailey Nurse reviews Untold Story, by Monica Ali

Guardian: Citrus scent of inexorable desire | Monica Ali | The Guardian

Natasha Walter finds that Monica Ali's fêted first novel, Brick Lane, lives up to its hype

Monica Ali chooses her top 10 places for Music & Literature in...
Author Monica Ali chooses her top 10 Music & Literature places in England

Monica Ali reads Joshua Ferris | The New Yorker
Monica Ali reads Joshua Ferris's

Monica Ali Biography - life, family, children, parents, name, story,...
In 2003, Monica Ali's debut novel Brick Lane won generous accolades for its comic yet heartfelt portrayal of a young Bangladeshi woman and her life in London.

BBC Radio 4 - Great Lives, Monica Ali chooses Richard Francis Burton
The author Monica Ali champions the life of the explorer Richard Francis Burton.

BBC Radio 4 - Great Lives, Series 37, Monica Ali chooses Richard...
Monica Ali joined Matthew Parris to talk about Richard Francis Burton, with Matthew Ward.

Kann man seine Identität verleugnen? - Academicworld
Die Brigitte über

Princess Diana lives on in new novel -
Monica Ali's new novel asks, What if Princess Diana had faked her own death and moved to America to start a new life?...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Monica Ali
Person "Ali" (13)
Vorname "Monica" (9163)
Name "Ali" (29050)