News Najibullah Habib

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Pierde efectividad tratamiento contra la malaria en Camboya;...
Síntomas de debilidad muestra el tratamiento, ante la alarma de la comunidad científica. Los indicios de resistencia se detectaron hace 2 años, en la frontera...

El mejor tratamiento contra la malaria pierde efectividad en ...
... Efe el director en Camboya del programa para la contención de la malaria de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), Najibullah Habib.

On Malaria's Frontlines - ABC › › o...
“If we lose that drug there aren't too many other drugs in the pipeline, and millions of people would be at risk,” Dr. Najibullah Habib of the World Health ...

Let's Take Bold Action On Health To Avoid Future › stories › Newspaper › Daily-FT
Susann Roth And Najibullah Habib. Viruses that cause new diseases like CoVID-19 are unpredictable. Their impact depends partly on population dynamics, ...

Grundstein für neue Umkleide | Kölnische Rundschau
WESSELING. Spätestens Anfang Juli soll das neue Umkleidegebäude für das Jugendstadion am Kronenbusch fertig sein. Gestern wurde der Grundstein gelegt und mit...

Healthy Travel | Professional Security
Healthy Travel. Professional Security magazine online - an essential read for everyone in the security industry.

SOUTH-EAST ASIA: Malaria Control Drive Reaches Out to Migrant Workers...
“Migrant workers are at high risk for malaria because they generally are poor, lack access to health services and also travel,” says Dr Najibullah Habib, team leader of the Malaria Containment Project at the Cambodia office of the World Health Organisation (WHO). “Migrant workers are a vehicle to spread ...