Yasni Exposé von Robyn Tewksbury



Robyn Tewksbury

Land: Deutschland, Sprache: Englisch
Robyn Tewksbury

7 Informationen zu Robyn Tewksbury

9th Annual Meeting on Surgical Research / 9. Chirurgische ...

von I Marzi - 2005Agmal Scherzed, Robyn Tewksbury, Caroline Seebach,. Dirk Henrich, Kerstin Wilhelm, Ingo Marzi. Department of Trauma Surgery, University Hospital, ...
springerlink.com 04.04.09  +  

Ungültige URL: Graft repair of the peroneal nerve restores histochemical profile ...

Bernadette Li and Mrs Robyn Tewksbury for reviewing the manuscript. References. Aguayo AJ, Bray GM (1980) Experimental nerve grafts. In ...
blackwell-synergy.com 04.04.09  +  

Graft repair of the peroneal nerve restores histochemical ...

Copyright © Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland 2004 ... and Mrs Bernadette Li and Mrs Robyn Tewksbury for reviewing the manuscript. ...
pubmedcentral.nih.gov 04.04.09  +  

A prospective study comparing operative time in conventional ...

Acknowledgment. The authors would like to thank Mrs Bernadette Li and Mrs Robyn Tewksbury for reviewing the manuscript. ...
linkinghub.elsevier.com 04.04.09  +  

Simultaneous cultivation of human endothelial like differentiated ...

Robyn Tewksbury MD, Maciej Powerski MD, Ingo Marzi MD. Dept. of Trauma Surgery, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main,. Germany ...
liebertonline.com 04.04.09  +  

Instant Online articles - Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. -

SeungHyun Ahn, Hyeon Yoon, geunhyung kim, YunYoung Kim, SuHee Lee, Wook Chun. Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods. Dec 2009, ahead of print. ...
liebertonline.com 04.04.09  +  

Robyn Tewksbury

facebook.com 04.04.09  +  

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