News Waltina Scheumann

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) Unterrichtsmagazin: Wasser für alleSpiegel

— 10, Axel Klaphake /Waltina Scheumann: Die größten Verbraucher. 11, Welthaus Bielefeld: Wasserkosten unseres Konsums. 3. Klimawandel.

Liquid manure and pesticides: Water quality challenges of ...World Water Week
Waltina Scheumann, DIE, and Carmen Richerzhagen, DIE. 09:55 Threats of intensive crop farming on groundwater resources management in Zambia

Lecture Series Cologne // "Cooperation between the Water
Waltina Scheumann, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE-GDI). The Lecture is part of a series that addresses Nexus key issues by bringing scientists ...

The Water, Food and Energy Nexus in Transboundary ...United Nations University
environment sectors in a transboundary context. Waltina Scheumann (DIE). International Kick-off Workshop, November 2013, Dresden ...

International Workshop on the Fragmentation of Global Environmental...
Convenors: Fariborz Zelli and Harro van AsseltBackground: The workshop addressed the emerging phenomenon of institutional fragmentation in global governance tod